What conditions are not suitable for these classes?2021-03-15T20:44:10+00:00

My classes are suitable for most people and for most levels of ability. However, there are some conditions or circumstances where these online classes would not be appropriate.

These classes are not suitable for pregnant women. Pilates is an excellent form of exercise during pregnancy but it would need to be a pregnancy-specific class which these classes are not.

These classes are not suitable for the first 6 weeks after having a baby. There are some excellent Pilates exercises that are appropriate and helpful in those first few weeks but again, a specific class would be more appropriate and these classes are not designed for this.

These classes are not suitable for those with moderate or severe osteoporosis. Again, Pilates is a great form of exercise for those with osteoporosis as it is low impact strengthening. However, with moderate or severe osteoporosis, some exercises need to be modified to protect the spine and therefore, these classes would not be appropriate and a more specific osteoporosis class would be better suited.

These classes are not suitable for those with acute injuries such as fractures or recent surgery. If you are unsure whether the classes are suitable for you, please message me on the contact form on the homepage and you can always seek advice from your GP.

Can I do these classes if I am pregnant?2021-03-15T20:45:30+00:00

These classes are not suitable for pregnant women. Pilates is an excellent form of exercise during pregnancy but it would need to be a pregnancy-specific class which these classes are not.

Can I do these classes if I have just had a baby?2021-03-15T20:58:19+00:00

These classes are not suitable for the first 6 weeks after having a baby. There are some excellent Pilates exercises that are appropriate and helpful in those first few weeks but again, a specific class would be more appropriate and these classes are not designed for this.

After 6 weeks, if you are medically fit, then these classes are a great way to help strengthen up the pelvic floor and core muscles as well as improving upper body strength, glute strength and posture. All super important after having a baby!

I would strongly advise to pause the classes if any symptoms develop while doing the exercises such as: pain, leaking/incontinence, any feeling of bulging or symptoms of prolapse. This would require a referral to a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist via your GP or midwife. Once assessed, advised and appropriately treated, resuming the Pilates classes may be an excellent part of your rehab and I would be happy to pause your membership until you are able to resume the classes.

Being aware of any tummy separation (diastasis recti) is important at any stage after having a baby. If you see or feel any ‘doming’/bulging or any caving in/collapsing down the midline of your abdominals when doing the exercises and you are unable to correct it by engaging your pelvic floor or core muscles then I would advise you lower the level of the exercise. That might mean following the easier option shown in the corner of the screen until you are strong enough to correct these symptoms. Again, a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist can assess and advise you on this if you are concerned or unsure.

How much does a class cost?2021-01-19T14:44:05+00:00

You can purchase a course of 6 classes for £30 (£5 per class). A new class will be released each week for 6 weeks but you then have 8 weeks to complete the course in case you need a bit of time to catch up.

After the 8 weeks, access to that course will end unless you re-book and sign up for the next course. If you sign up to the next course, you will be able to access all the classes in the previous course as well as the classes on the new course.

While enrolled in the courses you can do the classes as many times as you like which makes the classes excellent value for money and really convenient to fit into a busy schedule.

How often can I do the classes?2021-01-19T14:41:21+00:00

Once you have enrolled onto a course, a new Pilates class will become available for you each week for 6 consecutive weeks on the website. You will have 8 weeks to complete the course (unless you sign up for the next course then you will continue to have access to the classes).

The benefit of doing my online classes is that you can do the classes whenever and however many times you like. You may choose to do one class per week or you may choose to workout 2-3 times per week. This makes these classes excellent value for money and extremely convenient to fit into our busy schedules.


Do I need any equipment?2021-01-19T14:50:31+00:00

You do not need any equipment to do these classes. All you need is some space to lie down. You can of course use a Pilates/yoga mat if you have one or a towel works just fine. If you have a head block to rest your head on, that can be helpful to keep good neck alignment but again, a small folded towel works well for this.

I will make suggestions for when extra equipment could be used if you do have some resistance band or light hand weights available. This is not essential at all and is completely up to you.

I will release specific classes separately that involve equipment and you can use equipment you already have at home or you can purchase small equipment from the website.

Do I need to have experience of Pilates to do the classes?2021-03-15T20:29:02+00:00

The classes are suitable for most levels and abilities and I will explain and demonstrate all the exercises prior to them being performed so you do not need to have previous experience of Pilates classes.

I often show different options for exercises to make them more of less challenging depending on your level. This is easy to follow in my classes as there will be a small screen in the corner showing how you can adapt the exercise.

I also have a short information video available once enrolled for you to watch prior to your first class that will explain some of the ‘Postures, Prompts and Positions’ that we will use in the class to help you with your technique.

How long are the classes?2021-01-19T15:04:02+00:00

The classes are between 45-60 minutes long. This includes a warm up at the beginning of each class which is an important part of your workout.

My HIIT Pilates classes are between 20-40 minutes long. This stands for High Intensity Interval Training Pilates and involves a high intensity exercise followed by a more controlled Pilates exercise. These classes are shorter as they are more intense.

What qualifications/experience does Imogen Williams have?2021-03-15T20:31:31+00:00

I am a qualified Physiotherapist with a Batchelor of Science degree in Physiotherapy. I am a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and I am registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.

I have 13 years of experience working within the NHS and currently work as a Senior Musculoskeletal Specialist Physiotherapist.

I have completed my Pilates training and certification with the APPI (Australian Pilates and Physiotherapy Institute) who are renowned within the industry for safe and effective Pilates exercises. I have completed my Matwork Training series levels 1-3 and completed my Matwork Certification Exam. I have also completed the APPI ante and post natal Pilates course and have 5 years experience teaching mat-work Pilates.



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